Child Care & Family Lawyers

Child law is a universally sensitive subject. That’s why our expert team of family lawyers are highly trained to treat each case with sensitivity, diligence, respect and discretion.

Our Child Care & Family Services

At Russells Solicitors we have a talented team of family lawyers who provide expert advice ranging from Child Arrangements Orders, to Prohibited Steps Orders, Specific Issue Orders (protective orders) and removal from the jurisdiction.
When presented with difficult and delicate situations, we try to reach a sensible and amicable solution. However, in situations where there are serious concerns for the safety or welfare of a child, we will act swiftly and effectively in order to ensure that the child (or children) are protected.

Our approach is child focused and we endeavour to put the child’s interests first when considering the best solution. Russells specialise in difficult and often intractable children cases.

Child Arrangements Orders

is an umbrella term, which encompasses what used to be called Residence and Contact (before was Custody and Access). Child Arrangements Orders determine with whom the child will live and how much time they will spend with the other parent.

Prohibited Steps Orders

prevent one parent from doing something, which the other parent would object to (such as removing a child from their school, the country or changing their name).

Specific Issue Orders

direct the way in which a disagreement should be resolved, such as whether a child can be relocated within, or outside of, England and Wales, whether a child can go on holiday abroad (with their parent), where a child should go to school or what medical treatment the child should receive.

At a time of high emotion between the parents, reaching an agreement can become extremely difficult and demanding. At Russells, we ensure that the child’s welfare is of paramount concern and in doing so we work hard to find the best solution (for both you and your child).

Russells also have additional resources to offer their clients including names of professional therapists and counsellors who can work with families.

Child Maintenance

The Child Maintenance Scheme

(formally known as the Child Support Agency) usually deals with the level of maintenance a parent has to pay.

However, if one or both of the parents are high earners and fall outside the remit of the scheme, Russells Solicitors are adept at dealing with this. We offer advice on payment of private school fees, the provision of a home and/or the transfer of a property to house the child(ren), as well as meeting other financial needs for the children.

All of our family solicitors are members of Resolution, the UK’s recognised organisation for specialist family lawyers.

To speak to one of our child law solicitors, and learn how we can protect the interests of your family contact Carol Ellinas: 020 7439 8692 or